A downloadable game

This is a simple scrabble project created in C++ during my 2nd year of university.

Being the first project I created using C++, making this little command-line game taught me the basics of this coding language, class structures and pointer arithmetics.

The program sorts through a list of words stored in a text file using merge sort and stores them into a vector of legal words. The player is then given a hand of letters (including blanks) to play from. Using these letters, the player can suggest words to play, the program then does a binary search to verify the legality of the move. If the move is legal, the player is asked where they wish to place the word, scores are calculated and the game continues. No AI has been implemented, this has been setup as a single player game.

Build files to try out the game are available on this page, source files are available on github at the following link: https://github.com/GameDevChris/Scrabble


Scrabble Build.zip 1.2 MB

Install instructions

Unzip file and run .exe, words.txt must be in the same location as the executable.